A uniqueness result for minimizers of the 1D log-gas renormalized energy, JFA (2015)
CLT for fluctuations of beta-ensembles with general potential, EJP (2018) Joint work with F. Bekerman and S. Serfaty.
CLT for fluctuations of linear statistics in the Sine-beta process, IMRN (2021)
DLR equations and rigidity for the Sine-beta process, CPAM (2020) Joint work with D. Dereudre, A. Hardy and M. Maïda.
The one-dimensional log-gas free energy has a unique minimiser, CPAM (2021) Joint work with M. Erbar and M. Huesmann.
Local microscopic behavior for 2D Coulomb gases, PTRF (2017)
Large deviations for the two-dimensional two-component plasma, CMP (2017) Joint work with S. Serfaty and O. Zeitouni.
Fluctuations of two-dimensional Coulomb gases, GAFA (2018) Joint work with S. Serfaty.
A local CLT for linear statistics of 2D Coulomb gases, Markov Process. Relat. Fields (2021) Joint work with O. Zeitouni.
Law of large numbers for the maximum of the 2D Coulomb gas potential, EJP (2024) Joint work with G. Lambert and O. Zeitouni
LDP for empirical fields of Log- and Riesz gases, Inventiones (2017) Joint work with S. Serfaty.
Logarithmic, Coulomb and Riesz energy of point processes, JSP (2016)
LDP for hypersingular Riesz gases, Constr. Approx (2018) Joint work with D.P. Hardin, E.B. Saff and S. Serfaty.