Talks and lectures


Fluctuations of 2d Coulomb gases (Sept. 2022)

I was invited to give five one-hour lectures on 2d Coulomb gases as part of the program "The Statistical Physics of Continuum Particle Systems with Strong Interactions" in Singapore. The videos of the lectures are available here.

Mathematical statistical mechanics (Jan. 2022)

I was invited to give a series of five 45-minutes lectures meant as an introduction to some mathematical aspects of statistical mechanics as part of the program "Optimal Point Configurations on Manifolds" organized at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute. The videos of the lectures are available here.

Cours Peccot (Oct. 2020)

J'ai donné en 2020 l'un des Cours Peccot, les vidéos sont disponibles sur le site du Collège de France. Voilà aussi des notes de cours (en français mais non attentivement relues).


Hyperuniformity of the 2d Coulomb gas (Dec. 2022)

Slides for a talk given during the conference on "Coulomb gases and universality" in Paris. Vidéo d'un exposé (en français) sur le sujet donné au Séminaire de mathématiques appliquées du Collège de France.

Intro to Coulomb gases (Jan. 2020)

With S. Serfaty we gave two consecutive talks at the virtual “One World Probability Seminar” held during the pandemic. Mine is meant as an introduction to hers.

Displacement convexity for point processes (Oct. 2019)

Video of a talk for the Analysis seminar at IAS, about my paper with M. Erbar and M. Huesmann The one-dimensional log-gas free energy has a unique minimiser.


Visions mathématiques de la marge (Jan. 2020)

Texte de ma communication pour la journée d'étude "La marginalité comme modèle" à l'université Paris-Nanterre.

CC BY-SA 4.0 . Last modified: October 25, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.